This exercise routine program contains a set of Tai Ji Quan-based individual forms and movements that have been transformed into therapeutic applications for training ankle stability, effective weight transfer, active eye-head movement, and spatial orientation, as well as enhancing skills directly transferable to daily functional activities such as reaching, sit-to-stand (stand-to-sit), stepping and turning, and walking. The goal of these exercises is to adapt and integrate sensorimotor systems, refine postural control and movement strategies, improve gait and locomotion, strengthen lower-extremity muscles, and increase flexibility.
Note: The program is designed for older adults and people with movement disorders (e.g., balance and gait impairments, Parkinson’s disease). Accordingly, the services covered by this program include (a) training of community instructors (via workshops and enhanced training courses), (b) physical fitness instruction, (c) physical fitness training services, (d) physical rehabilitation training services, and (e) research in the fields of physical fitness, exercise science, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and injury and fall prevention.